About the User Guides and How-Tos category

This section of the site is a repository for user guides, how-to documents, and explanations of how the system works. Please do not set this category to muted, otherwise you won’t notice when some feature is changed.

It is read only for users, but if you write, or spot, a good explanation of how to do something here on the forum, then suggest it to one of the moderators, or raise the question/issue in the “Site Feedback” category and we’ll post the useful stuff here.

If you wish to write an explanation it is quite simple: you can compose it as a private message and mail it back and forth to each other, or even to yourself. Please include enough screen prints or clips so that the reader can see what you are describing. Keep the topic as focused as you can and use numbered steps so that if someone gets stuck then they can say “Hey, when I do step 4. something different happens!”

If you find yourself unable to figure out how to do something on the forum, or just want an explanation of what is going on or such, then drop me a Private Message about it - I will try to get to them as and when I can.