Changing a belt (tensioner)

years ago I bought a little fan belt bumper thingy from JC Whitney. Maybe they still have them?

They sell something like that for stretch belts. I have not tried one on an e type belt.

I was 14-15 and with some older friends on a road trip when the fan belt broke.
The guy, about 10-12 years older than me scratched his head not knowing what to do.
I asked his wife if she was wearing pantyhose.
Long story short, they make a makeshift fan belt, good for 10-15 miles.

Probably lucky you were that young :slight_smile: a bit older and the outcome could have been significantly different.

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I keep one of these in my road kits: being a Doubting Thomas, I installed it on my DD Datsun 1200.

After ~500 miles, it was in great shape.

Never leave home without one!


Thanks for that, Paul. Great addition to the emergency tool kit.