Electronic ignition in 1968 E-Type

It’s been awhile since I installed the Pertronix dizzy… this one

(More expensive from the usuals than on eBay where I bought it)

and I retained my twisted copper HT leads, soldering new push-on connectors to the ends. Pertronix warns you not to use solid wire HT leads.

I put a 41060 distributor in my 68 FHC along with the Pertronix unit inside, and my tach is fine

I have a couple questions about which spark plug leads should be used with a Pertronix insert. I understood that copper wires were a cause of misfires, and that you need suppression wires.

  1. The suppression wires I have seen are really long, and I don’t think you can “trim to fit” them like you can copper wires. Am I wrong?

  2. If you can trim to fit, can you use a cap like these? I have an older set I’d like to use.

If I simply convert the screw ends leads to push on ends, will the current wires that I am using for the original distributor work with the Pertronix?

Worked for me.

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It depends which Pertronix module is in the Pertronix dizzy. The first generation module will work fine with most decent quality wires even stranded copper wires. The second generation module absolutely won’t. It requires suppression core wires or the interference will cause awful misfiring. I think but am not certain that their dizzy still has the first gen module in it.