How do I: Create, edit, or delete an ad on the Classified Ads?

The DELETE function is outlined at the end of the CREATE section of this guide.


Step 1…Ad’s can be generated from either JL Home or Forum Home. The top menu is the same in either case. So, choose which location and proceed to the next step.

Step 2…Use the drop down menu on “Classified ads” and select “Place ad” and you will be taken to the following screen…

The box showing 1 2 3 4 is just a marker for where you are in the four step process.

Step 3…Use the drop down menu in “Select a Category” box and select which category in which you intend to place the ad. That category will appear in the box

Step 4…Click on “Continue” and you will be taken back to the first “place and ad” screen. Step 1 is highlighted as being completed and “Enter Ad Details” is displayed. What follows is a form with many boxes into which you are required to provide relevant information.

SPECIAL NOTE: The “Item Price” box accepts ONLY digits. Do not include and $ or other currency indicators. The price on the ad is always displayed as $, so convert to your currency and include a note to indicate what currency you are working in in the text of your ad.

Step 5…You will be required to read and accept the “Terms of Service” and enter the result of the simple sum in the box provided. The pressing “continue” will take you back to the first screen for additional information and you will see the indicator box showing that you are now at stage 3 in the process,where you will see the following screen…

Step 6…Follow the instructions and then click on “Place ad” which takes you to the final screen shown below…

Moving down the screen you will see the results of your efforts and you now wait for admin to review and approve your ad.

You will receive a confirmation in your email that your Ad has been received by JL admin, following which and if approved, you will receive notification that your Ad is now “live” on the system.


Step 1…From the JL “Home” screen, select “browse Ad’s” from the “Classified Ads” drop down menu.

Step 2…Go through the list of Ad’s until you find the specific Ad you wish to delete.

Step 3…Click on the title of your Ad.

Step 4…You will see the following menu…

Step 5…Select “Edit Ad” and you will go to this screen…

On this screen you will see the option box for DELETING your Ad/listing. You will be prompted to be sure that this action is what you wish to do and you take the desired option/action.

Your Ad is now DELETED.