How to do an Italian tune up

Back in the 1960’s, I made a trip onto the Blue Ridge Parkway in a 1950’s VW camper. A camper is just like a microbus with another 1000 pounds of junk installed in it. 1200cc, burned more oil than gas. On a flat freeway, floored, it’d reach about 60 mph. But we’d pull behind a semi and do 75 with the foot half off the throttle. You could only do it for a limited time, though, because those semis really stank in those days.

Ahh, vw camper vans. In the 80s, me and college friends would drink beer in the back on road trips across California. If we ever got pulled over for open container, my friend, the owner, would pull out the law that states if it’s a camper, alcohol is ok as long as the driver isn’t drinking, and it’s an amount of feet behind driver (out of reach)

Drinking beer in a vw van on California 101 highway along the coast…priceless.

Not sure what the laws are now…


We had a camper van in the early 70’s. But, not VW!!
A conversion into a Corvair van. Simplistic. No top to raise. Water tank, sink icebox and stove. Sleeping?
Air mattress and sleeping bags astern… About 95 HP. Aided by four on the floor. Camp, commute and swap meets. Good on each.


I think that’s about 90 HP more than that 1200 VW camper had.

BTW, it only had two gauges: A speedometer and an odometer. No fuel gauge. When it ran outta gas, there was a knob under the passenger seat that you pulled to engage the “reserve tank” and then you had something like 20 miles in which to find a gas station.

Whe I was a kid we would do that on our 100 cc and lower motorbikes. If you got within a car length or so of the trailer you could throttle down to almost nothing. For some reason the semi drivers got really unhappy about it​:grinning::grinning:

My 56 VW and the 60 beetles were that way… The latter a baby carriage rag top type!!

Trying my best in each to stay with the traffic on the Hollywood freeway. Then flame out!! Oh @##$$% REACH UNDER THE DASH FOR THE MERGENCY TAANK LEVER !! Hope I am not already on it!!! OK fired up, get to gas station ,. NOW!!!

The 61’ s gotr gas gauges!!!
