I'm an idiot... Truly. Suggestions appreciated

It can happen and some of us have done similar. My suggestion would be to avail yourself of the Factory Approved Lucas Smoke Injector Kit (with Churchill Adaptor). By replacing the smoke that was lost in your wiring, you should be able to drive with confidence again. Several aftermarket smoke kits have since come on the market but you would be wise to spend the extra money to get the genuine article as the cheap offshore smoke does not have the same resiliency and tends to disappoint over time. I think Wiggy may have one or other members who would be glad to help. It has been addressed in past on the forum. best regards, Mytype.

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Good point, Brian. Quite likely JCNA also may have a few of them in their tool loan program. :laughing:

I bought the last factory smoke kit, 11 years ago, and I AIN’T sharing it!

Knowing the value of Lucas, smoke, I did manage to get a portion of it saved. I’ll of course put it with the other umpteen samples I’ve collected over the years…

A Caveat to the above, … be careful to avoid aftermarket offerings that have “may contain recycled smoke” in the fine print. This can cause untold mayhem with positive ground vehicles. My type.

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For an American rating. For a British rating, that would be closer to the 20 seconds, would it not?