New old Door hinge issues

You forgot to add 60 years of hack mechanics using Standard “BAFU” nuts and bolts from the bin.

I’m sure you can decipher the acronym if you let your mind wander.

2 new additions. As I’m in the process of drilling out the near side Lowe door hinge pin after 15 various sized broken drill bits, I’ve now come to the realization that someone else has gone there before, as what I’ve found is a simple nut and bolt set up, as apposed to the proper pin, / bush set up. Today I’ll find out as I’ve almost made my way through the lower bolt, nut, sleeve and nearing the top holt head. after that, I plan the bush and probably 1/2" hole set in a poor mans (but functional) lag bolt (well greased) so the smooth part of the lag, to

act as the pivot point with little or no drag… hopefully.

The best part is what I’ve found hidden in the wing wells and other places as I try to punch out the existing bolt, is about 10 lbs. of miscellaneous hardware. I know theres a "can you identify this part thread but I thought I share it here as In a gut wrenching laughter as these BOLTS started to emerge from within all the nooks and crannies.

Show us a photo of the head stampings, and then tell us the diameter and length of the bolt shanks. If they’re original Jaguar fasteners, someone on the forum may be able to tell you where they were originally used on your XK120.

I found several of the original 1/2 BSF bolts that secure the windscreen posts where you found your bolts.

I’ll shoot some better photos today, but these are MONSTER sized bolts, like chassis to frame size. They are about 2 1/2" long, course thread, with heads almost the size of a US quarter. That’s the kind of mess this car has seen in it’s 60 years. Who in their right minds would not put them back where they belong, or bin them if they replaced them. But to just leave them rattling around in some empty space in the body, boggles my mind. But again, that’s just one more oddity in this 3 1/2 year journey through my mechanical restoration. Thanks a lot Dad.

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