Poll about the Scratch topics in each model category

  • The scratch topics are a good thing, keep them going forward.
  • The scratch topic were a temporary aid, close them off at some point.
  • The scratch topics are a good thing, consolidate them in PUB.

0 voters

I created scratch topics in most of the model categories, as an aid to get people up and running as quickly as possible. Now that people are getting used to the new platform and generating JL content again I don’t think we need a play area in each model category.

Leave them?
Close them?
Move them all to one scratch topic in PUB?

What do you think?

Scratch topics seem to be a novel, but good idea. They allow newbies as well as dinosaur old timers (like me) the ability to play around with the various features without cluttering up the various fora. What harm is there in keeping one heading in the Pub section?

I think you should keep one, in the site feedback section. If for no other reason to allow people who are composing tutorials to have a sandbox where they can actually test out their instructions prior to their being issued for use.

I was thinking leaving one in Pub, if possible auto expiring anything older than 1 month (otherwise it becomes hopelessly long.

I’m still thinking about how to do a submission area of some sort. There are a few things where I would like people to be able to place something where it would be public, but read only for viewers.