Shop manuals for Mark X 1965

Looking to replace a shop manual for our Mark X. We have a manual labeled “Jag 4.2 Mark 10 Model, Operating, Maintenance, and Service Handbook”. On ebay, i see that model, but also one that simply says “service manual”. Any idea as to the difference between the two, if one is better, or better for the 1965 vintage?

Thank you

If you already have the A5 sized Operating manual, that is good to have for these cars

The larger A4 sized Service Manual gives detailed information how to service the vehicle, and rebuild all major parts

It is very much needed, (if only for the mechanic)

There are several listed on Ebay atm

just be aware to only purchase a Factory Service Manual, not some Chiltons or lesser manual

A Factory Parts Manual completes the trio

If you keep an eye on Ebay, I got my FSM for my 420G in new condition for $15

that was very lucky though, usually the ask a lot more, i had been keeping my eye on Ebay for like 15 years, probably as long as it existed

Thank you. that was helpful. I ordered the manual. We have the parts one. I usually buy the chiltons or similar. I find it is helpful to have two references so that I can compare. Sometimes, explanations are better in one or the other.

Of course, the best shop manuals i have ever seen are the newer toyota manuals. Those are a delight to read. The worse manuals I have ever read are the GM manuals where they repeat constantly everything and you need to jump all over creation to do one simple repair.