Something i've never seen before

We’re in the “put it back together” phase of a 140 cp. This is one of the first ones made and I keep finding crazy little things that make you scratch your head. Today the clutch and brake arms are getting ready and the clutch arm is made of cast bronze (or brass). The brake arm is cast iron and is magnetic, unlike the other. I’m going to check a much later cp. (around car # 100) to see if that also has a bronze arm. I guess it makes it easier to bend the arm to suit big feet.


I know one of my pedals is bronze…clutch iirc…dont recall about the brake lever but in theory you would want/need as much strength as possible given any panic stop situation. So not surprised by your observation.

Btw, my car was built Oct 55.

I’ve seen both steel and bronze clutch pedals for 140 fhc