Spotted today very nice 120

Today North on the A1M . Any one on here?Turned off before Darlington. I was particular pleased with catching it in the door mirror as it went past :smiley:.

Good on’em! Using it like god and Sir Willy intended!

Nice bit of photography, Jim. Won’t ask how you did it in case it incriminates you!

According to XKdata it is 675328, registered in Victoria, Australia and clearly over here on tour as it was also spotted here in June. Maybe Terry McGrath, John Elgreen or Roger Payne knows the car and who it belongs to.

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left hand drive car silly!:grinning:

Won’t ask how you did it in case it incriminates you!

One of my old cars and in fact the first XK I imported from the USA back in 1987.
Beautifully restored by Jack Gray Geelong and the later sold to Peter & Beverley Briese who also have an SS100, a WO Bentley amongst other stuff . Unfortunately Peter passed away a while back,
Beverley has had this car in the UK since middle of last year she was trying to get it there in time for XK70, if she stays much longer she will be ready for XK75!