Start problems xj40

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Hello Robert!
Welcome to the forum.
Have you checked the ignition switch? Indito kapcsolot leellenorizted? Milyen evjaratu a kocsid?

1987 ignition swits " new" nem tudom jó vagy nem Idont know how to check

Do you hear something when you turn the key? Mit hallasz amikor elforditod a kulcsot?
Probald meg ovatosan megkocogtatni az indito motort kalapaccsal. Lehet be van ragadva.

The starter is new, if i turn the ingnition, the relay cliks.
If i give 12v directly to the starter the car starts.

This might help you.

I would check all grounds and the gear position switch.

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The relay clicks - do you mean the solenoid on the starter clicks or the ‘Ignition On’ relay clicks?

Why? Different issue or the same problem?
If the starter itself works alright then:

Is there a neutral safety switch that can be defective?

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