Third brake light installation

Oh, and I can’t spell either.

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In fact, your answer is contained in the article I linked to: simple answer is, yes…and no…:smiley:

It IS!!

It makes it possible to find the actual primary research, which always trumps the partial data in newspapers!

I love me some Googles!!!


And, as if by magic, a superior intellect clears the fog of confusion. Thanks Paul.

BUT - there’s a new one coming !!!
With the radars, cameras and vehicle to vehicle technology that is being developed and put in cars today, a new standard is being developed. A standard that will allow your (self driving or not) vehicle to know when someone, maybe ten cars in front, is braking. Alerting you to be prepared to stop or will slam the brakes for you, should you be otherwise engaged with non-vehicular activities.
We don’t need stop lights soon :slight_smile:

One problem with articles and data saying things like rear end collisions up XX%. We don’t know how much, or little, they would have changed if third brake lights didn’t exist.

You back from paradise?

As for the ‘we dont know what if there were never any”…so?


Did we get his name? Damn sure t’weren’t me…:crazy_face:

No, just taking a break from having fun.


Someone posted that rear end collisions have increased by 5% and if I’m not mistaken they were using that statistic to show 3rd brake lights were ineffective. What we don’t have is a way to determine how much rear end collisions would have increased if 3rd brake lights didn’t exist.

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Gotcha: the article I linked to takes that into account, as far as is possible.

There has been a huge increase in road fatalities since they took away the man walking in front of the vehicle waving a red flag. Based on Mark’s original argument, we should bring him back…



As a rithmetician, I just looked and the difference and it is absolutely unbelievably Yuge (Davids observation below) . Rrithmetically speaking, a co-driver walking with a red flag (it need not be big) would make electric automobiles much more competitive, increase fuel efficiency and break pad life. A quick evaluation makes this an extremely desirable change. Of course, I’m sure some knit-picker could find a disadvantage given some time, but there are always some.


In order to keep our big corporations prosperous, make the one percenters richer, and give the working class the artificial impression of prosperity, we require a small, controlled war in at least one country at all times.
LLoyd 2006

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Well, maybe instead of the 3rd brake light, we could consider having a system that would make a red flag pop-up from the boot once you press the brake pedal and fold back once you release it. Guess that should properly attract the attention of the distracted drivers behind. Don’t you think so?


Sorta like the old-fashioned wig wag!!!

As I stated early on in this hornets nest that I stirred up, the decline in rear end collisions was right after the 3rd brake light was mandated, then as time progressed, and the 3rd brake light became the norm, the number of those taking in the rear started to rise, then leveled off at a nominal decline at about the same time anti-lock brakes made an appearance. So who’s responsible for the 4.3% decrease in taking it butt side? Brake light up there? or anti-lock brakes? The report from the crash counters don’t include that in the report.

I’m out


Naw. Stay in.

When I was GM of a medium sized business safety was top priority. Signage was one of the devices used to maintain awareness. More specifically vivid posters. Studies were later to show that after a week or so everyone, workers and supervisors alike, went blind to the posters.They’d been assimilated. It was as if they weren’t there anymore.

You have a good argument. Not saying I agree. Yet.

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What we really need is something that reaches back and dope slaps the non-attentive or tailgating driver behind us while shouting “wake up dummy”. :grin:

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I supplemented the hi stop light with the two rear fog lights on my XJ40 giving me 5 brake lights call me paranoid!

Just a thought on the ‘increase’ of rear Enders (5%?) is this related to the XX% increase in cars on the road?

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Ah, the classics…:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Exactly, That was my take on it too.