Time for lighting maintenance on the instrument panel

The difference in the lighting for the last two gauges on the right hand side, the fuel and voltages gauges my be due to the fact that the green Gell shading for the two bulbs that light up the gauges is different. The Gell shading for the two rightside gauges is heavier than the Gell shading for the leftside last two gauges as demonstrated by shinning a light thru thru both Gell shades of the two bulbs by a factor of at least 2 to 1. Why they did this and had to do this is evident by the difference in light provided to the left and right side back lighting for the gauges when both Gell shades for the two lights are both eliminated as they are now by my modification of eliminating both green Gell shades. Go figure.

My error. I evaluated the light intensity in the shadows of bright afternoon sunlight. Later last night I did a final check on the lighting of the four gauges and they were all equally intense. Everything else I stated was true but once again I made a big error in evaluating the lighting intensity during daylight hours. Pretty silly mistake but in checking it to make sure of my earlier evaluation, I was proven wrong. Silly me.

I should have waited and performed the final test in darkness before I said anything. I was fooled by a very distinct difference when evaluating the lighting during daylight hours.