Traffic switches MK IV DHC 1948

Does anyone know if the traffic indicator switches turn off automatically when you drive straight forward? And if so, how does it works? and how do I have to assemble the centre manette

in the steering wheel?


Hi Polti,

If you look on the inside of the steering wheel hub you will see a couple of little projections. These trigger the release of the trafficator switch lever. I can’t remember but I think the steering wheel should be mounted such that these are symmetrically placed either side of the 12 o’clock position when the road wheels are pointing straight ahead.


You seem to be missing a part

There is a ring [ tubular shaped] that fits inside the alloy hub and can rotate. This has two projections that as they pass the trafficator switch trigger its cancellation It has a captive nut that can slide in a slot.
In he alloy hub there are 3 holes. 2 are for grubs screws that when screwed in stop the manette base from pulling out
T e third lager countersunk one is for a BA screw which locks he captive nut. So you can set up the tube’s cancellation position centrally and lock it in that position. I’ll try and get one out and take a picture today and post it

And her e are the pictures
manette%202 manette


Many thanks for the pictures!! Indeed I’ve been breaking my head how it works…

Next question does anyone have these in stock to do you know where to find?
