Trust levels? I either do, or don't

Could someone please explain to all- The meaning and significance of “Trust Levels”

Put briefly, the system automatically assigns a certain level to your account based on your actions, and the time you’ve spent. You’ll have noticed that every now and then the system notifies you that you have earned some badge. You may also have noticed that at the very beginning there were some things that you just plain couldn’t do (especially those users who created new accounts, rather than those who accessed an existing one). This is initially little more than an anti spammer mechanism.

It isn’t just that we are all learning the system, but also that the system is learning us.

User trust levels are a way of…
Sandboxing new users in your community so that they cannot accidentally (or intentionally!) hurt themselves, the forum, or other users while they are learning what to do.
Granting experienced users more rights so that they can help maintain and moderate the community they generously contribute so much of their time to.

Above quote from:

Thanks, Andrew, for the explanation. I’m now out of the sand-box- and into the play-pen!