What A "Shocking" Revelation

Been there, done that. And it’s been about 17 years.

Having driven a Hellcat on track (and been black-flagged for having too much fun) I would avoid that engine. With the mass up front and drive at the rear I would expect to lose several millimetres of wheelbase every race. You’d have to park the machine in a bay fitted with an adapted chassis stretch equipment.

Rumpole of the bailey? SWMBO.

A Hellcat weighs 4300 pounds. A FF Type 65 Coupe weighs 2400 pounds.

Wow … new one on me … I think I see now why my retired Jag bud in FL refers to his wife as “#1” (and himself as “#2”) … :thinking:

If I ever do get married, I’ll have so much to learn, apparently … :laughing:

Well, if you got the $$$ and like kit cars, which you’d re-start up the old Bradley GT Corp. I loved my GT II which I built back in high school (although the VW bug engine in it sucked :frowning_face:). I still think it was such a stylish ride … Might be time for a GT III (?) I also loved my Opel GT that I drove throughout college and law school. B/c it’s so rare to find one w/o rust or other body damage still, I’ve often hoped someone would come up with a fiberglass body to replace the original steel body. Even with a stock 1.9 lit. engine, it would also be so much faster with the lighter body. :thinking:

I’ll be covering how to remove the shocks from the springs in a couple videos on my Jag Mods channel.

Will look forward to seeing it, ML … :movie_camera: :smile: