Where to drill the holes!

I am still in the process of having the body on my baby done and in order to help the Body Man I need to know the location of the holes on the bonnet rear bumpers (Measurements please)(see photo).

Sorry guys for some reason can’t add photo ???

It would help if you provided the year and model of your “baby”.


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It’s a 1964 MKII 3.8 MOD

Did Jaguar put them in different positions for different years ?


As a data point, our 3.8L LHD MK2 was manufactured in October of 1962 and it was not fitted with rear bonnet buffers at the factory. Media blasting of the shell prior to our re-spray produced no evidence of holes being stamped/drilled in the wings to mount the buffers. The cowl drip rail seal helps locate the up/down (flushness) of rear of the bonnet to cowl and wings. This seal also dampens the transmission of body vibration to the bonnet.


If you look at this picture of my 1967 Mk 2 you will see the two rubber bumper holes you mention009

You should be able to infer the position. Next time I am at the car I could give you a measurement
