Why Does Jag Lovers Require Me to Manually Log In?


I did further research on why Jag Lovers requireded me to sign in regarding a recent post. I don’t know why it happens but I noticed today that the program requires me to sign in when I post form my I-Phone but not from my laptop or desktop. Problem solved.

Ahhmm … how?

For many years I remained logged in, but now I have to do it everytime. Strange enough, when I do, the system enters user name and password automatically …

I held the use of a new PC with different privacy settings on the browser responsible, but wouldn’t even know where to change them.

Well, Jochen - have a browser problem. Since the forum will remove support for ‘my’ Internet Explorer 11- I’m not even recognised as an old member with a different browser…:slight_smile:

xj6 85 Sov Europe (UK/NZ)

I forsake IE after too much consideration. Much better on windows 10 and edge.

I have J-L on my favorites list. I merely click on it there and voila here I am…

Gunnar helped me at the launch of the new J-L.

I do wander over to IE at times, google search easier there??

My other two PC’s take me to Google Chrome.
they labor on on XP!!!

And one is just dormant virus infected…


Ahhh, Frank … so that was you;-) … just kidding!

Anyway, things changed for me when I switched PCs from Windows10 to Windows10 and Firefox to Firefox. No idea why.

Have to admit that it means to complain on a fairly high level :slight_smile:
Good luck


It irks me that I lose my identity when ‘upgrading’, Jochen…:slight_smile:

xj6 85 Sov Europe (UK/NZ)