XJ needs to be moved after 20 years... help please

So yesterday was another horrible day at work with the Jag. I got really frustrated with it all. So eventually I gave in and left for bed.

I pulled all of the valves. That worked pretty good. But with the exception of the #2 that was clearly bend and therefore open, all other 5 valves where rusted beyond believe. #5 even had a little piece cracked out of it. All 6 of the intake valves are unusable. On the exhaust side it looked a bit better. One of them would not come out but with a hammer. I could not directly see a bend but the other ones slide in and out smoothly. So I would expect to replace that one as well.

Intake valve hole after removal did not look pretty…

the pitting on the valve stem is so bad I recon these unusable


I did all this with the intake metal body still attached to the head because for the life of me I can not get it off. NO WAY. I have been trying everything. eventually I even put the head back onto the block and just whacked it with a mallet an tried everything I could think of. The whole engine moves but the intake thing will not come off. I really don’t know what to do. Put the head back on the workbench. gave up.

proceed to clean the cylinder walls. #2 #3 #5 clean up very nicely #4 has a circular pitting. I would guess it is a about 1,5cm in size. I cannot get that out.

Last nail on my coffin last night was that I wanted to rotate the engine to clean up #1 and #6. For some reason it does not move at all. It is completely stuck in it’s place. At that point I resigned and went home. I don’t know why it is stuck or what to do about it but it has been a giant s**t show. I can just not catch a break.