[xj-s] In memory

MGMagnette@aol.com wrote:

For the reason I had to crush her,
Was a run in with the insurance adjuster,
What an asshole was he.

Not surprising. Happened to me once before. I never
bought complete coverage for it again; for all I know,
they would probably total it again for breaking the

Look he said, a dent in the frame!
Time is up, for this old dame,
Please, turn in your key.

That is Bull S"#%t. Why don�t you buy it back from
them? I did. I could not tolerate the thought of it
being torn for parts. I still have it, and though I
don�t drive it much, it makes me feel good just to
know I saved it from its horrible fate to see it every
morning on my garage, uncover it once a day and just
stare and say hi.

Rodrigo Morales
Monterrey Mexico__________________________________________________
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