A post seal . Series 1

Just checking out the a post seal here. And if you have sharp eyes you can see it’s torn right out of the bag!

Anyway, on the area above the triangular wedge of the seal, there is a metal lip and there is the chrome hockey stick. Does put glue on the metal strip AND the hockey stick or just the metal lip.

Also, show of hands, replace the seal with SNG or ship one in from COH Barnes?

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I used some cement on both gluing surfaces of the seal. I kept it well within the safety zone so it isn’t visible along the edge. The trickiest part is the upper end. You want to get some compression between the top’s cantrail seal and the A post seal. Cut it a bit long and test it to make sure you get some squish. It helps control wind noise and water ingress.

I had no issues with the SNG version.

SNG is selling the Barnes seals now

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