Auto gearbox removal

You need to find a garage with a side lift to keep center of car (exhaust and drive-train ) clear and unencumbered . No other way. Don’t recommend working on the floor on this project. That will just make the job more difficult then it needs to be. Better to be standing with tranny jack at the ready. Good luck.

Mark, I did the same as you. I put the rear wheels on ramps and the front on jack stands. I set the parking brake and with only one ramp on each side, there was no tendency for the car to move backward as the front end was lifted by the crane. With the small wells at the top of each ramp, I really don’t think that there is much concern about the car rolling backward because the rear hubs become the axis of rotation for the lift and as the car comes up, the crane, mounted on wheels moves slightly back to accomodate the arc that the front moves through.


Looks like the preferred method…Next time I’ll try to lift the car an extra 2" so the downpipes will clear the bottom of the car and be removed without the need to rotate the entire exhaust system.
