Brake Master Banjo bolt re-alignment w/o bleeding?

So I noticed while replacing my reaction valve due to the brake drag issue that my back banjo bolt alignment is causing the brake hose to rub on the steering shaft. I want to realign this and move it counter clockwise but didn’t know if cracking the banjo would let air in and result in needing to bleed the system. Any advise or help is much appreciated.

If that’s the hose that goes to the reservoir then you have a head of fluid above the banjo.

If you loosen the banjo bolt fluid may leak out around it but air shouldn’t be able to go in.

Put a cloth around it to catch the fluid.


Thx, yes that is the hose that goes to the reservoir. That is what I thought but always better to ask the community first. :grinning:

Always have a damp rag and a bucket of water when you’re working with brake fluid around paint!

Agreed. You shouldn’t have to bleed the line. And it won’t take much loosening to get the line to rotate.

make sure you lay some plastic under the area and use cloth to absorb a few drops, it wont require bleeding, but those few drops can run down hoses etc and get on your paintwork, hence the plastic

I keep a bucket of soapy water handy and metho if any gets on paint

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What is metho? Or the equivalent here in US?

metholated spirits - denatured alcohol