Camber changed after axel bearings installed

After installing new bearings on the driver’s side front wheel (LHD) axel, I found that my camber alignment changed on that wheel - the bottom of the wheel seems to be outside of the vehicle profile - when I took the vehicle for a test ride, the vehicle was trying to steer towards the left - the vehicle did steer straight before my axel bearing change - anyone have any suggestions for correction - I will take it in to an alignment shop, but wanted to see if there is anything I can do to fix the problem - 1991 XJS V12 Classic Collection Coupe - Tex.

Do not drive(!), disassemble, look for the mistake.


Probably did not at all seat brgs.! Simple brg. change should have no effect on alignment, except if you lost caliper shims or some such. Jack, pull wheel, and reseat brgs without distractions, then enjoy some cold gin. Evil X wife could not handle the “then” part, but now not my trouble.

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Thanks for the responses - I drove the car slowly to the alignment shop, five miles away, and they found that the upper control arm bushings had gave out - drove it back home and now ordering the bushings - will post follow-up after installed - Tex.

That was pure luck. I would never drive even a little bit even at walking pace if my alignment had changed drastically after touching the bearings. Please make them make absolutely sure these bearings are alright.

Yes - will have everything checked over after putting in the new bushings - Tex.