[collectibles] art

Greetings All:
This is my first visit to this sight and it would appear that it is
new. I am looking for posters and art that would be relevant to the
'60’s Jag.
I have acquired, in my travels, a print by Tony Smith of Silverstone
in 1949 called Victorious Jaguars. Does anyone have any info regarding
this print?
J. Ross


I don't know if it's of interest, but there is a fellow named Bob Grossman

who drove a Lightweight E-Type in the '63 Le Mans. He’s 77 now, and spends
a bit of time doing paintings…he’s not bad. He’s done a watercolor for me
of that race, showing his Lightweight dicing with a Ferrari GTO. I want to
scan it for my website, but I’m going to have to photograph it and reduce
it, as it’s too large for a scanner. If you are interested in having
something like that done for you, drop me a private e-mail, and I’ll put
you in touch.

I've also put together a collage of Le Mans posters on my site. The

pictures are either from my own collection, or pieces I’ve scanned or
photographed, or bitmaps I’ve harvested on the web. Most of the years
1953-1999 are represented:


It's a complicated page, so give it a bit of time to load.


At 04:27 PM 3/12/00 -0800, you wrote:>Greetings All:

This is my first visit to this sight and it would appear that it is
new. I am looking for posters and art that would be relevant to the
'60’s Jag.
I have acquired, in my travels, a print by Tony Smith of Silverstone
in 1949 called Victorious Jaguars. Does anyone have any info regarding
this print?
J. Ross

I’ve also put together a collage of Le Mans posters on my site. The
pictures are either from my own collection, or pieces I’ve scanned or
photographed, or bitmaps I’ve harvested on the web. Most of the years
1953-1999 are represented:


It’s a complicated page, so give it a bit of time to load.


The only comment I would make is that if you borrow images from other
sites, you really ought to try to acknowledge them out of courtesy to
the person that did the work in the first place where you know the
source. The 56 French Le Mans poster looks extremely familiar… :slight_smile:

I do have more Jaguar Le Mans ones to post from the '50s yet…

TonyOn Sun, 12 Mar 2000 20:08:28 -0500, Michael Frank wrote:

The NERVE of some people!!===========================

At 12:49 PM 03/13/2000 +0000, you wrote:

On Sun, 12 Mar 2000 20:08:28 -0500, Michael Frank wrote:

  I've also put together a collage of Le Mans posters on my site. The

pictures are either from my own collection, or pieces I’ve scanned or
photographed, or bitmaps I’ve harvested on the web. Most of the years
1953-1999 are represented:


  It's a complicated page, so give it a bit of time to load.



The only comment I would make is that if you borrow images from other
sites, you really ought to try to acknowledge them out of courtesy to
the person that did the work in the first place where you know the
source. The 56 French Le Mans poster looks extremely familiar… :slight_smile:

I do have more Jaguar Le Mans ones to post from the '50s yet…


Not sure if this comment is serious or facetious. If this page offends,
view it not! It was just an interesting subject to me, it seemed like
others might enjoy it as well.

At 09:54 AM 3/13/00 -0600, you wrote:>The NERVE of some people!!



You are quite correct,  I should have discussed this with you. I will

remove the image if that is your wish, or add an acknowledgement.


At 12:49 PM 3/13/00, you wrote:>Mike

The only comment I would make is that if you borrow images from other
sites, you really ought to try to acknowledge them out of courtesy to
the person that did the work in the first place where you know the
source. The 56 French Le Mans poster looks extremely familiar… :slight_smile:

I do have more Jaguar Le Mans ones to post from the '50s yet…


Michael: It was meant as tongue-in-cheek; meant nothing derogatory by it.
Actually, I thought I was sending to Tony and only after I sent it did I
discover that it went to everyone!! Only a joke. Sorry for my lack of humor.


At 07:20 PM 03/13/2000 -0500, you wrote:

Not sure if this comment is serious or facetious. If this page offends,
view it not! It was just an interesting subject to me, it seemed like
others might enjoy it as well.

At 09:54 AM 3/13/00 -0600, you wrote:

The NERVE of some people!!


You are quite correct, I should have discussed this with you. I will
remove the image if that is your wish, or add an acknowledgement.



Adding an acknowledgement is fine with me for anything.

TonyOn Mon, 13 Mar 2000 19:19:49 -0500, Michael Frank wrote:

Tony (Sussex, UK) [1998 XKR Coupe]
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