[collectibles] Jaguar Books : "The Forerunners of Jaguar"

dear all,
After 26 years from starting this project it is now a reality.
The book is the second in a series I have planned the first being the
“Jaguar XK in Australia” by John Elmgreen and Terry Mcgrath. The first was
limited book of 1000 copies and was published back in 1985 and with very
praise from The Hon Allan Clark in his “Backfire” column in one of the
english magazines to the record one thousand plus pounds paid by a
major book collector for a standard leather bound copy in July 2002
to say he has order copies of the new book to save having to buy it later
This new book is sure to be an instant collectors item as only 500 of this
edition are being printed and it will not be reprinted.
Fifty leather bound copies with a brass badge on the slip jacket sold out in
2 weeks
Every book comes with a matching Slip Box which helps to protect the book
Sales are being carried out through Paul Skilleters PJ Publishing and
have been full page adverts in the Jaguar World magazine and a review in
the Australian magazine Jag Mag
Please send any enquiries to tmcgrath@bigpond.com

View it on line at> www.skilleter.com

Now this is completed XK Book 2 can now seriously move ahead and to this
end it should be complete mid next year

regards Terry Mcgrath