[collectibles] Spring Beaulieu Autojumble cancelled

If anyone knows of others that may find this info useful and possibly save
a wasted trip, please pass on===

Spring Autojumble Cancelled 12th - 13th May 2001

It is with regret that we have to announce the cancellation of the above
event, due to the waterlogged condition of our event fields. Since last
September the quite exceptional amount of rainfall has resulted not only
in flooding nationwide but also, more locally, in the water table being so
high that any heavy shower has reduced the ground to virtual marshland.

There have been occasional but all too brief periods of windy and sunny
weather when it looked as if conditions might improve but having today (
May 1st )obtained the long range weather forecast for the period up to and
including Sunday 13th May, which predicts rain of some description every
single day, the decision has had to be made to cancel the event.

We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause and hope you will
realise that we have everyone’s best interests at heart in making this
decision. Please let anyone you know who may have been coming to the event
of this situation

Our next Autojumble will be our International Event to be held on the 8th
and 9th September - see relevant web page for further details



Tony (UK) [1998 XKR Coupe]
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