[collectibles] Video

i’m searching, for an important jaguar night event some video or
DVD about the history or jaguar model from Swallow era to middle 70.
I want to tell the history of the jaguar through some images.
If someone want to help me , please send me an e mail at
thanks Stefano–
ferrara italy, Italy
–Posted using Jag-lovers JagFORUM [forums.jag-lovers.org]–

In reply to a message from best59 sent Mon 2 Apr 2007:

Dear Stefano;
Best is Jaguar Heritage Trust in Coventry - I needed a video of the
factory putting together XK engines and there is such a thing - I
purchased it direct from Jaguar Heritage Trust. On the Jag Lovers
website there is a telephone number you can call.

Best of luck!!

los angeles, United States
–Posted using Jag-lovers JagFORUM [forums.jag-lovers.org]–
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