Craig Restores a Series III OTS - Part VI

Spent some time trying to match the original harness (hung over the scuttle) to the new Bulkhead Harness in the car. Questions follow.

First an orientation for those not familiar with Series III (note there is NOT a circuit for a radio – but I have a working radio in the car when parked).
Anyone know what “D.I. Flashers” are on Fuse 6? Directional ** Indicators (AKA, turn signals)?


First question:
What is this (3 views shown)? (It is attached to a wire attached to the upper right hand corner of fuse 7 by the white-ish wires and then mounted to the dashboard).

Furthermore, the white-ish wires on the original harness all look alike, no tracers (see top photo of last three attached). The white wires on the new harness are white, white with 2 thin red tracers (shown), and white with a thick red tracer - not shown (the bigger/thicker of the three in the photo) as shown here:

So - does it matter which of the new, white wires this blue thing is connected to?


Next: 2x white-ish or beige wires (on the original harness) come out of the harness and attach to the topmost terminals on Fuse 3 (see Photo below) opposite the violet wires. It’s hard to trace the wires on a photo so take my word that the wires with the “Fuse 4” tag on them do what I just said. What is even harder to see is that there is a jumper wire connecting Fuse 3 and Fuse 4 (it shows better in the next photo - the jumper is black taped to one of the white-ish wires). I plan to reuse that jumper wire – but: what does it do? Not an earth-shattering need but I’m trying to better understand the wiring. What is the function of the jumper wire?


This above photo is of the same bundle of wires but focused on the other side of Fuse 3. It shows 4 violet wires attached to Fuse 3 with the 5th one (with a black collar on it) going into a join and coming out brown with a yellow trace and with an in-line fuse – to the other side of the same fuse. WTF? None of the violet wires on the new harness have the black collar. Does it matter which of the 5 violet wires I do this two? Is it necessary to keep this in-line fuse? What is going on here?

I’ve tried hard to avoid confusion and take the issues in a logical manner.
Hope my questions and explanations are clear.