[E-Type] The safety of NOS tires according to Goodyear Dunlop

Dave last year , Queens New York

I appreciate your efforts on behalf if veteransā€¦ and my momma was born on Fordham Road!

And neither would I: I find this robust back-and-forth, on whether or not to use old tiresā€¦well, fascinating.

Other than an exercise in science, it should be obviousā€”should beā€” that to even attempt to use an old tire, irrespective of its appearance, is a foolhardy goal.

In the scheme of things, if a $600-$1000 investment is a too-great a cost for a toy, then perhaps thought should be given to a downsizing of oneā€™s toys.

Like anything else on the car this is decision for each car owner. For me, tires are the cheapest insurance money can buy. All of my cars, even my 22 year old rusty truck, have new tires. I can drive 80 mph in rush hour traffic & not worry about a blow out or panic stops. They are ā€œwhere the rubber meets the road.ā€


I couldnā€™t agree more.

Years ago I bought a boat, about 6,000 lbs, borrowed a trailer to move it 200 miles. The tires all looked good and I had no problems towing the empty trailer the 200 miles to pick up the boat. On the way back the first tire failed after about 25 miles the last about 50 miles from home.

As you say, tires are cheap insurance and your life is literally riding on them.

We probably have a lot more in common than either of us knows. We just go about it in different ways. I wouldnā€™t consider using tyres more than 8 years old on any car either, however good they look. Yes; I drive my E-Type too! Your efforts for the homeless and veterans in New York are very much appreciated. I thank you for it too. We have many in need here too, and we try to help. We could do more though - we all could. You wonā€™t find me in any photos though. Not in any way photogenic :grinning:. I try not to denigrate others in my posts, and donā€™t like it when I see it in myself either. I apologize for falling into the trap. All the bestā€¦


I love you tooā€¦See we are the sameā€¦
I just care too much about you to see you on 23 year old tiresā€¦:slight_smile:


Well that seals it thenā€¦ Probably just as well as I would have had trouble fitting it in the spare tyre compartment. ā€¦and you know how difficult it is to find a matching set?
I think I would have preferred whitewalls anyway. (Oops, donā€™t open that can ā€˜oā€™ worms!)

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