Fan Thermostat Switch Disconnected - Fans Operate Always On

Hello - I’m in process of installing my Coolcat fans and I have found that my thermostatic switch is disconnected. The fans run all the time - does disconnecting this switch have that effect? So if this switch is disconnected, the fans are

on all the time?

Does your car happen to have air conditioning? If that is on the radiator fans will run full time.

Not exactly…the fans will run any time the a/c is ON. If the a/c is off and the otter is disconnected, the only explanation is that the fan circuit is grounded “somewhere else”. Good hunting!

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The car had AC - it has been removed. So without the AC signaling “on” it must be jumpered somewhere. Humm

Mine will turn on the fans whenever I turn on the a/c control, even though all the under bonnet a/c components have been removed.

That’s because the only underbonnet part that matters to this function is the wiring and the extra relay.

Don’t you just LOVE mod’s a PO made but NOT DOCUMENTED!!! Good luck sorting it out.

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