Free Library info to download

Hi all,
i have a new website offering lots of free tech info, i’m also in the process of making available for free - workshop manuals for a wide variety of models - feed back welcome.

anything on the Xj220 ?

Unfortunately no, very difficult to get good info about the more exotic models, but i’m always searching…Tom

Did you create these materials yourself? If not, do you have a licence from Jaguar to distribute copyright material, like JCNA went to considerable trouble to obtain?

what sort of stuff does the JCNA have to distribute from Jaguar do you have a list?

I don’t Terry. George Camp will know. Formal manuals etc. I think Tom’s stuff as I saw it is OK but I didn’t see any Jaguar manuals like he seemed to imply he would be supplying/sharing. Public domain or permission stuff is fine. Stuff in the JCNA Shop is guaranteed kosher.