How to trace export numbers and Models

Hi I was wondering how you trace how many cars were built, and of which models for the home market and export of MK IV’s I have tried the heritage trust but cannot see where this info is

Can somebody point me in the right direction

Hullo Mike,

The best reference I know of is the 2013 publication 'SS & JAGUAR CARS ’ by Allan Crouch. It contains very detailed information on all models and will have what you want to know. It is worth chasing down a copy.

There is one mystery in the book - there is no mention of a 1.5 DHC in the production list but a photo of one taken in 1956 near Corfe Castle was posted by Peter Scott on the ‘SS and Jaguar cars to 1951’ forum.

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In Andew Whyte’s book “Jaguar” for DHC 1.5 litre cars he suggests 1938-40 Home 648, Export 27.
Regarding total SS Jaguars he quotes Home 13,383, Export 889
Regarding total MkIVs of all models he believes Home 7,786, Export 4,166

I think Allan just doesn’t divide the DHCs from the Saloons in 1938-40 stats.


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Thanks Peter, that explains it.

Thanks Guys
I do believe I have bought this book and it is in with the car in mid Atlantic at the moment on its way to me, I wanted to know if there were any other 2.5’s in the USA but it sounds doubtful
It was 10 months ago since I worked on the car, and forgot what I have have, looking forward to get back into it!


Allan Crouch says there were 13 pre-war 2-1/2 Liter cars sold in the USA, and 1 SS100. Post-war there were zero, but plenty of 3-1/2 Liter Mark IV and Vs.
My '38 saloon is a 2-1/2 but it has only been here since about 1977, when it came from England.
The web site reveals that there are 18 pre-war 2.5s, 7 Mark IV 2.5s and 12 Mark V 2.5s reportedly in the US.

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