Jag-lovers XJ-S owners map

Jag-lovers XJ-S owners map


Add your marker so we can find each other for local help, get-togethers, etc…

Name the marker your username here on the forum. :+1:

Maybe this can be pinned? Other models can have a separate map in their respective sub-forum.

How-to: Go to Additions, Add marker, Simple. Save the link it gives you in case you need to change it.

1 Like

Clever idea like it!!!
Do you mind if I share this on Facebook group?

I’m in. …

Done, added. I like that you don’t need to set up another account, log in, etc. just click additions, add simple, and you’re almost done.

Sounds like a good idea , but
Any one looking for a free Jaguar will know where to watch and go get it when your away !!

well if you put your real address in there, that’s on you. lol. i didn’t…

unfortunately however it looks like there is a limit to number of visits to the free map.

This is new as of April 1 2018… Didn’t know they had changed this.

"Free maps are changing

100 views on free maps
Therefore, as of 1st April 2018, ZeeMaps will limit the number of views on free maps to 100. (Free maps means maps that are not owned by an active paid plan). When you reach 100 views, your map will ‘freeze’ and it can only be unfrozen by upgrading to a paid subscription plan."

How do I join the Facebook group?


Can you upgrade the map?