Jaguar XKE Trunk Springs Replacement

I read you article on replacing boot lid springs. It’s very good but from reading other posts it would appear that trying to hook 5 springs all at once over the bolt is a Herculean task. I plan on doing one at a time if I can get the springs out of the bungle one at a time. Would you recommend oiling the springs or using anti-seize?

I have a question about your boot lid spring replacement article. You mention not to grip the springs with pliers axially but one of your photos shows you gripping the spring axially. Did you really mean “don’t grip the springs across the width of the spring”

The springs are hard enough to handle without being slippery. They have an oil coating to keep them from rusting. If you want to spray some oil on them when done, that would work fine. You do them one at a time until all in place then install them by twisting until you can put the bolt with the sleeve back into place. Not really that difficult. I have done this many times since the article. I just did one with 7 springs on each side because of too much paint and a luggage rack. Same proceedure.