Key Replacement


Pete has always been able to supply me with ‘original’ used keys from his collection once I gave him the number. If you don’t have the number there are ways around that.

I am also sorting through keys at present. '63 Coupe. I have the ignition switch with a code on it and a key that works but is an aftermarket key. The two doors have different lock codes on them and i don’t have a key for either. As I have the JDHT Certificate, that does not have the code in it, I contacted them just to verify that my ignition key was correct for my car. The reply was rather curt and not helpful, " For key enquiries, please contact Classic Parts at and they should be able to assist you." I contacted and was told to contact JDHT for info on keys for those old Jaguars. Hmmmm.
So I guess I just take a chance and order one based on the ignition code. If it works, then I’ll get the two door locks re-keyed. So, who should I order the key from?

I have a whole bunch of Wilmot Breeden Union keys, FP, FS, even a few FA and MRN, all used but some like new.
I’ll make a list and put an ad in the classifieds.

I bought OEM keys from triple c motors on eBay a couple of years ago. Just tell them your number and they can probably match it.

That’s too bad. Back in the days when Mike and Gloria handled the certificates in the U.S. they were very helpful with exactly that same question.

I have also lost my keys from my old Jaguar once. I was so mad because I thought I would spend a lot of time searching for a new one. Luckily I found some services from They helped cut me a new key for my car, which is similar to the old one. First, I demonstrated to them that it was my car showing them the documents, so they lock picked and changed my old locks in the Jaguar. After installing the new ones, they gave me two copies of the original key if I lost one of them.

Hi Clive. would you have an FP 648? That’s my ignition key code.

Yes unfortunate indeed. After re-explaining that I did not want a key but code verification, I suggested to her, “… the reference given was akin to sending me to Westminster in search of verification of the Witan.” I am not certain she appreciated my sense of humor.

Scot, I sent you a PM.

I fear that you were too hip for the room.

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replying now. Sounds good.

Indeed. Or she doesn’t know what the Witan was.

I’ve just had a similar experience. I emailed JDHT just last night and got a response from JLR Classic Jaguar this morning, explaining that they don’t supply keys. However, JDHT sent my email to JLR who appended it to their response to me so I have the key codes, though they are written as “F5 xxx” and “F8 xxx” as opposed to “FS xxx”. Hand written build records, apparently.

Well at least you found out the key codes. This morning I found the web link for the North American Archives for JLR - where Mike Cook used to work. And they clearly state they will provide you the key codes provided you have a JDHT Certificate and show proof of ownership and pay $10. So, I remain perplexed as to the response I got from England. Presumably NA Archives are still open on Tuesdays and Thursdays, but a call to them only got a voice mail. I can provide phone and fax numbers if anyone wishes, but as yet I haven’t verified the service is still provided.

Scott, I sent my inquiry to, specifying chassis number, JDHT certificate number and date of issue. Tracy Nabbs, the Admin Assistant, then forwarded my email to, appending the key codes and asking them to contact me, which they (Glen Parkes, Parts Technical) did, explaining they don’t supply keys but with Ms. Nabbs’ email appended.

You might want to try emailing Ms. Nabbs directly and by name, explaining that she had today supplied fellow E-type owner Nick Saltarelli with his car’s key codes and asking if she might be so kind as to do the same for you. You might also want to emphasize you need only the codes, not the physical keys, as based on your experience and mine there does seem to be some confusion there.

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done! We shall see if it turns out as did your effort. thanks, Nick.

To close out this thread. I got a positive reply from the classic Jaguar parts folks. Quickly and politely. Don’t know who I talked to on my first attempt, but the email went well:

“Hello Sir,
Thank you for your enquiry. I can confirm that FP648 is the key code recorded on the build ledger for this Chassis Number.
Best regards
Glen Parkes
Parts Technical
Jaguar Land Rover Classic
T: +44 (0) 2475 365708

So for those wanting a confirmation, that’s the way to go.

With that ignition key number confirmed, I called and talked to Triple-C in AZ and got friendly, concise help and ordered an “original” key and new-made replacement key and two re-key kits to make my door locks match the ignition key. About $35 all told. This was quite a bit cheaper than my conversation with the fellow in Maryland who squawked about lack of inventory and changed prices several times during one conversation.
“Triple-C Motor Accessories LLC
9796 W Golddust Dr
Queen Creek, AZ 85142

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I also contacted Triple-C and purchased an NOS keyset. $40 for the pair plus $5 postage. Quite pleased.

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Interesting, I bought a set of keys from Triple-C but did not see the option for those original blanks. I want!

I’m guessing a "re-key kit includes new cylinders? What exactly comes with the kit?