Looking for a small part

Forgive me for posting here rather than in the parts section, but I’m in need of a small part that is nla and I’m hoping someone might have one. It’s part of the door assembly, where the window frame secures at the top of the sheet metal door. There is a chrome bracket that runs horizontal and it has three pairs of screws securing it. The screws go into a threaded flat plate about 2” long, and the plate allows the attachment of two screws. I’ve checked on line with the usuals and pulled out the factory parts manual as well as the old XKs parts catalog. I can’t seem to even find the part number, but did get an illustration from sng. Does anyone have one of these they can part with?? I have the screws, washers and shims. Just not the threaded plate that holds it all together. (The part I need is circled in red.)

I think this is part BD17621 , listed as a “Spire Nut” in the 4.2 Spare Parts Catalogue. Other places call it a “fixing plate” though. SNG lists it, but has no picture. But, it’s illustrated here:



I make them out of 3mm x 10mm aluminium flat bar.

Cut 6 to size, stack on top of each other in the vice then drill and tap all 6 in one go.

I think the thread is 3/16 UNF.

Alternatively you can use a self tapping screw for part #10, which was used by Jaguar on some models and then you don’t need to tap the hole.

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My screws are not self tapping, although I could buy some. I only need one plate…

I made my own for the one I was missing. I doesn’t need to be pretty.


So a trip to the local Ace provided a 1/2” x 1/8” x 36” piece of aluminum. I cut off 2.5” drilled a couple holes @ 1.625” on centers and used a self tapping sheet metal screw. Seems fine.

Thanks all!


Another string to your bow:)

And you have enough material to make 13 more!

Actually, that is a pretty handy size & material for all sorts of things.

And one more item to add to the resume!

eBay, here I come. Who needs the stock market!? I can fund my retirement by making these!:sunglasses: