[Lumps!] OBDI got a OBDII

Need some help, I bought a cable and module from TTS Power Systems.
It is suppose to read OBDI but it has an OBDII connector on the end of the

My conversion has a OBDI connector at the PCM

Spent $100.00 for the TTS product and I can’t use it!

Anyone know where I can get a short cable with a OBDI connector end?

I don’t need anything except the cable.

The really sad part of this, I sell cable for a living but not connectors!

I could have a 1,000 ft long cable but can’t hook the thing up to a thing!

Allied Wire & Cable
Craig Smith
Fax 864/289-9645
Vist us on the WEB

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In reply to a message from Craig Smith sent Wed 27 Sep 2006:

Deja vu!

The SMOG Referee At Contra Costa College in San Pablo insisted I
had OBDII because of the connector. I finally convinced him through
my factory manual that the later cars with OBD I had OBD II
connectors. He never could communicate with my ECM. I took my
Scanner and read the data stream for him.

Can the source of your cable provide an adaptor, or a different

How about your customers as a source of connectors?


The original message included these comments:

Need some help, I bought a cable and module from TTS Power Systems.
It is suppose to read OBDI but it has an OBDII connector on the end of the
My conversion has a OBDI connector at the PCM
Spent $100.00 for the TTS product and I can’t use it!
Anyone know where I can get a short cable with a OBDI connector end?

Carl Hutchins
–Posted using Jag-lovers JagFORUM [forums.jag-lovers.org]–
–Support Jag-lovers - Donate at http://www.jag-lovers.org/donate04.php

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In reply to a message from Craig Smith sent Wed 27 Sep 2006:


Go to a local junkyard and pick up an OBD II connector socket
(cheap). Replace the OBD I connector on your PCM with the OBD II.
The pin-outs for the sockets are available on the web, or someone
in this group will already have it for you for the asking.–
–Posted using Jag-lovers JagFORUM [forums.jag-lovers.org]–
–Support Jag-lovers - Donate at http://www.jag-lovers.org/donate04.php

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In reply to a message from lockheed sent Thu 28 Sep 2006:

Try Howell Engineering (www.howellefi.com) I have used a couple of
they’re harness’s and they have sold me a couple of connectors when
I needed them. N A Y Y Y–
Rob Wade
Windsor Ontario, Canada
–Posted using Jag-lovers JagFORUM [forums.jag-lovers.org]–
–Support Jag-lovers - Donate at http://www.jag-lovers.org/donate04.php

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