Of a simple problem on a X type 3.0 , my boot suddenly does not shut closed even if I slamm it shut


TSBs we got when I worked at the dealer. These cars were new back then, we got info on a regular basis to address issues.

XT501-17 Inability To Open_Close Luggage.pdf (26.4 KB)
XT501-20 Luggage Compartment Lid.pdf (110.1 KB)

I really thank you people for returning the problem for my luggage.


The simple check is to see if the trunk latch inadvertently got closed while the lid was open. I’ve had this happen to doors.

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Stupid me, the problem was not using the key. It fixed itself when
I used the trunk symbol on the key.
The lock went into motion as soon as I used the key.
Thanks JGL