Part Number Problem

WARNING … Just discovered part numbers may differ from one usual supplier to another.

Wanted to order the copper seal washer for the engine oil filter head assembly drain plug for my S1 4.2. One of the usual suppliers (we’ll call them supplier #1) had them on backorder, but because they supply a drawing of where the part is used, I figured that the part number is good to go and checked with another supplier.
Supplier #2 showed the copper washer in stock but gave no description of the part other than the correct size of 3/8” id. So I ordered 10 of them since I plan to swap out the washer on each oil filter change.

My package of parts arrived yesterday and this is what I discovered …

Obviously the used small washer on the right is the size I was expecting to receive. The O.D. should be no larger than 5/8” due to the size of the machined surface area for the drain plug on the filter head assembly.
When I tried to use the oversized O.D. washer, of course it leaked.

Saving grace is I happen to have some aluminum washers 370-130 that are the exact size required (except just a touch thicker) and everything is happy again in Jagville … no leak :smiley:

BOTTOM LINE: Don’t think part numbers between suppliers are all the same.

Unfortunately, I think this is not so much a case of part numbers not being the same between suppliers, as the parts that some/all vendors supply do not match the specification of the original Jaguar Parts. Washers, such as your copper washer, are a prime example of this. Jaguar had two part numbers of 3/8" copper washers. FW.106/E and AW.106/E. The “F” part was “narrow diameter”, and the “A” part was “wide diameter”. The old part you show in your photo is clearly an FW.106/E. The part that the vendor supplied was not. I strongly suspect that it was a run of the mill 5 cent 3/8" copper washer you could have obtained from anywhere. It probably doesn’t match the spec of either Jaguar Part, but may work in some (but clearly not all) applications. A lot of the plain and spring washers on the E-Type are of the “F” (narrow) type, and reasonable substitutes are not available in all sizes from the usuals. If you check their web sites for AW.10x/T and FW.10x/T (x indicates ID in 1/16" increments and T indicates steel), you will sometimes see both parts with an identical photo, and identical price, so don’t be surprised if you get the same part whichever you order…

This is why I never, as in never ever, order those kind of seals from any of the usuals. I always match dimensions off of McMaster-Carr and get them from there.

From now on, I will definitely follow the same path as your advice indicates.

David - thanks for clarifying a few things about “F” and “A” sizes.
I’m just thankful I had the aluminum ones available so I could finish the job. I imagine there is no difference between using copper or aluminum as far as making a seal.
Let me put it another way, it’s not leaking :smiley:

In a pinch you can heat the copper washer to cherry red and either quench in water or allow to air cool, this procedure reverses the work hardening that copper goes through.

Thanks Robin … I’ll keep that in mind.

Aircraft engines use “Crush Washers” which. Are like Spark Plug washers. They seal with Less pressure so are less likely to cause damage to cam covers. They work good for sealing the oil feed lines to the camshafts at the rear of the head. If those Banjo bolts are tightened too much, you could strip the threads in the Aluminum Head! I learned that the hard way!

Wish we had McMaster here!

Surely there must be some kind of company over there that offers something like the same services? Worse come to worse, Danny, tell me what you want to order, and I’ll pack it up and send it over to you.


Have you tried creating an account, I just created a login and it seems to accept it.

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Their base S/H fee can be pretty stiff even here in the States, so best if you make as large an order as you can to reduce the overall impact - AND indicate to ship complete. They will add S/H for any back orders. Ask me how I know

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I believe the problem is, Robin, that they won’t ship overseas. A large group order could work and I would be happy to be the intermediary for that.

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That is correct. They will not even ship across the border to Canada unless that policy has changed since I attempted to place an order a couple of years ago.

Well, there’s a Canadian lister here, who has a contact in California… :slight_smile:

Well that’s a closer match than I received for this “bronze distributor bushing” that they made we wait for on backorder. Note the “bearing and seal” does not even have a seal in the package. Note the invoice says “bearing and seal, distributor”. Where would you use a bearing this size in a Jag, let alone in the dizzy? How could an employee even put this in a bag and ship it?

True, but a shipping lag time of up to six months is probably not acceptable.:grinning:

It looks just like the photo on SNGBs web site for part 189272. SNGB also sells a sealed bearing under the same part number, so I can imagine that “bearing and seal” could be one item, not two. Terry’s has no photo of their part, but the price matches your invoice. The bearing appears to me to be about the right size for the upper bearing on the distributor shaft. Here it is in the exploded diagram:

Item 189272 is the ball bearing shown towards the top of the distributor shaft. If you were after the lower bronze bushing, that is not 189272. I was unable to find anyone who stocks that part on a quick search.

Thanks Paul ….might even take you upon that….with a population like less than 1/10th that of USA ….I’m guessing that it’s just not feasible to carry the vast range….instead we have many small specialists …they are often hard to find even with the net …… and you need to buy in larger numbers to get the right pricing…….so there are some downsides to being down under :grinning:….but it’s really a 1st world problem….inconvenience !


If you and some of your car-nutty mates need a McM order, you can order and pay for it, have it drop-shipped to me and then I can forward it onto you.