Paul's Jaguar in Florida

Doug, Paul…move over and make room for me


That is definitely the established rule of business. If the goal of a business is to make money, which is usually done by attracting customers, there is no point in alienating potential customers by taking a public stand on a hot issue or going out of the way to be controversial.
This seems to be changing as the younger customers seem to want their dollars to “mean something”. We have recently seen some big problems with companies chasing those customers. I hope the companies learn from other company’s disasters.

Guess I’m another +1😁

Don’t forget the catch: they don’t realize that they are clueless.

Essentially the Dunning-Kruger Effect for cluelessness.


Had a boss years ago that made comment anytime I’m discussing business with someone and they commence to tell me how much of a christian they are, my first thought is to place my hand over my wallet because they’re going to screw me if they get the chance. Had another individual comment that the worst screwing he ever had when it came to paying his bill was when the person owing him was a preacher.


I lived in Webster, suburb of Houston. I now live in League City. It is in Galveston County halfway between Houston and Galveston on I-45.

It has grown from about 20,000 when I bought my house in 1993 to over 100,000 about 5 -10 years ago.

The school, road bonds, and other infrastructure bonds have me in a Bermuda triangle of the highest tax rate in the county.

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I have made a good living repairing repairs made by the clueless and the unscrupulous contractors met through churches. Have seen some great acts of kindness and larceny by Christian contractors.



Glad to have you here in Florida. (BTW where in Florida are you?)
Property taxes might be lower here that Texas, but the ridiculous rising of home insurance costs has me considering to go bare (smile).

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Hello Bernard, I’m located in Central Florida (St. Cloud) and have been a long time Jaguar enthusiast. Move here in 1990 from Stuttgart Germany (Army Retirement) and until recently insurance hasn’t been that much of an issue. Reviewing my policy, the insurance company has increased rates (auto & home owners) some 60% over last year. When I questioned them I got the usual 'song and dance" with no real answer! They also paid a hansom dividend, Go figure.
Are you still located up in the Pan Handle area?

Happy Trails,


Hi Dick

I believe Kilbert is in the Pan Handle region. I remember when you were with Coventry West.
I am in Hernando County, 30 miles or so north of Tampa.
Jame Love who posts on the list is about 50 miles north of where I am. We talked about one day getting together but Covid stopped that then.
I see where you have a 2007 Vantage. As you probably know, so do I. You can see it on my website. Don’t drive it much as the wife is currently having difficulty getting in. (smile)
Stay healthy.


Hi Bernard,

Wells is a pretty common English name but I have no affiliation (other than Dick’s Great work) with Coventry West. That’s another “Wells”. LOL
In my stable I have (a) 1974 S3 OTS; (b) 1999 XJR (X308); (c) 2000 Chrysler T&C van, (d) 2008 Chrysle T&C van, along with a 1947 Stinson 108-1 “Voyager” airplane (originally solo’d in back in 1965!).
Just found a pool coupling cracked so there goes the rest of today!!! Ha Ha
Take care, Stay Well, and as always…

Happy Trails,


In a message dated 11/9/2023 1:03:45 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

As I get it. property Tax is a city and county thing. As opposed to state assessed?

Property tax raises are governed here in Ca. but, as a buyer, they ae very hihg. And here all kinds of srtuff is vundled in to the property tax bill. sewer, bond issues,and more.

Fklling out the IRS forms are a wk in the park when comared to the CA income tax forem a simple return s abut 11 pages.

was born and raised in el paso. Was a great city. some say it has decayed badly…


Most states such as mine, Washington, the property taxes go up with the property valuations. My home insurance also nearly doubled in the last year. I was told it was because building costs have risen substantially.

We’re all at the mercy of high inflation. It’s not just food and energy, it will slowly flow through everything. Prices will rise until the bottom falls out. Anybody who remembers the 70s, its the same thing.

Florida has a good homeowners property tax valuation limitation, which I do miss here in NC (the only thing I miss about no longer being in Florida?).

The Save Our Homes Amendment to the state Constitution in 1995 - the highest year-to-year tax valuation increase allowed is 3%.

When you purchase your home, that sets the ‘starting valuation’, so to speak.

While the 2008 real estate crash had many bad effects, the one positive out of it was the doward revaluation of real estate.

By the time the smoke cleared, our house had been doward revaluated three times, dramatically slicing our property taxes … and once the market began to increase, the tax valuation could only go up 3% each year.

Our house valuation dropped about 50% or so, and 3% per year max takes a long time for it to catch back up. :sunglasses:

Of course, though, when we sold 2 years ago, the new owner’s valuation was bumped back up. :grimacing: (for them)

Oh, like California’s Prop 13? Property tax is 1% purchase price. And can only go up a capped % per year.

Most states like where i live, property tax has no cap. I’m happy that my house has doubled in value since i bought it, but alas so has my tax.

Ahhh, I remember the 70s vividly. But, I assure you my memories, heh heh, don’t have anything to do with taxes or the economy :slight_smile:

Pretty much the same for the 80s…but better !



Hi Carl,

I agree, El Paso WAS a great place years ago. Lived there twice. 1955-1956 and 1975 to 1979. Left there in 1979 returning in 1985 to find it a dismal place. Loved Cattleman’s Steakhouse and Hanging Cliffs Dude Ranch (Fabins). Bet that place is $$$$ now!
I believe you are correct regarding taxes. Ad Valorem taxes are levied on the value of the property and local officials include things like School tax, waste management fees, and many other items we pay thru the nose for! Just watch how they sneak in various additional taxes.
And to all those who mentioned the 70’s disaster… Yes, the Carter years. 15% interest rate to buy a house. Been there, lived it and don’t want to repeat it!!!

Interest rates were increased to kill inflation back in the 70s, by Volker. It worked.

The big difference now, is that interest rates will increase via the bond market because our national debt is out of control.

NPR recently had s show on that: it was brutal, and it did work.

Back to topic: along with aging out of the business, and just being disgusted with supply chain issues, I can see how inflation may also be a contributory factor in some shops going out of business.

Agreed but when you’re in the market to buy/build a new home it HURTS. Really limits how much home can be afforded! Not a fun time to live thru!!!