Paul's Jaguar in Florida


Well, our paths crossed! I grew up there. I left for mrmy service in 52. returned in 57. Six grand bought us a house. workled there til57. promoted to El centro, CA .

For eats and drinks, t was go across to juarez.

My broter left a it later. Not happy with the way things were going.


I still remember as a kid in school in the 70s, how they tried to teach us that with inflation milk would be $5/gallon one day. I just couldn’t believe it.

Now milk is $5/gallon!

I’ve recently been watching some Dennis the Menace from 1961. Odd how $10 was a lot back then. According to inflation adjustments, inflation has gone up 10X since then!!! So now i get it, $100 is a lot.

Funny how Dennis is so excited to earn a dime.

… when I was born. :face_with_spiral_eyes:

Where did you find 15%?

Where I was it was 17-18% as I recall.

Okay, probably the 15% was on its way up.

Yes, it took that to stop the inflation.

Hi Carl,

Juarez dog track was THE place to dine and enjoy during my time there. Loved their “Brunswick Bowling” plates too… Ha Ha
El Paso del Norte: Only place you can see I-10 - Caution signs warning “Caution - Illegal alien Crossing”.
102 ° (hot) - humidity 10%. Day or night usually could see the runway 50 miles out!!! Ha Ha

Poncho’s at the Cielo Vista mall was a must dining at least 2 times a month too. Also loved October when the German Air Defense school would hold “Oktoberfest”; food/drink/entertainment would be flown in by the German Air Force for the occasion. Maybe that’s why I served two tours in Stuttgart… Ha Ha

Thanks for the memories.



In a message dated 11/10/2023 9:23:56 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

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Is that maybe a mashup of Gregory /Greg Wells and Dick Maury? Both who were at CW? Greg is on FB BTW and is retired in GA (just broke his arm in fact). He does volunteer work at the Southeastern Railway Museum. Dick Maury is on the Coventry Foundation board, and AFAIK still has a small North Ga shop? (website down currently). And has an Aston & Ferrari (or had) - after letting the manual XJS go.

BTW thanks for keeping your website maintained. I refer folks to it relatively often.

~Paul K.

You are correct Paul. I did mix up Dick Wells and Dick Maury, (As Dick Wells was kind enough to point out to me) AFAIK Dick Maury still has his Aston Martin.

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Oh no … prayers going out for “Gregorious” (my nickname for him when he was @ C.W.) that he heals up soon … :pray: I wonder how he broke it? :confused:

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Car accident in Atlanta’s rush hour traffic.

Please pass along my best wishes for a rapid recovery to him!

No politics allowed.

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The original statement or the reply to that original statement?

Either both are political or neither is political, being as nothing was said about the original, I presumed that it was not political, thus a reply to it would not be political.

Or is a statement allowed but a response is not?

Just trying to clarify how the rules are applied.

Agreed: I think any further mention of politics should be taken to the pub.

Seems to me this thread has pretty much exhausted its useful purpose of letting everyone know Paul’s is going to be shuttering. It is now talking of wire wheels, who is whom and which states in which to live

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All that I know is that I don’t want to hear it.

Likewise here too, but it still happens, so we need to make sure not to just shut one side down, shut both sides down.

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I am in total agreement.

Agree totally with that. That is why I don’t frequent the pub.

Same here Robert.

Owning and driving a big old gas guzzling V12 with a long thrusting hood could be a political statement in itself…