Pertronix ignition and original tach

I intend to install a pertronix into my 1971 jaguar xke. I understand that they work well but there are problems making the tach work properly. Has anyone made this ignition change and if so what was required to make the tack work correctly?

I have seen posts on the forum but they were not definitive enough to let me know what I needed to do. What wires, what resistance, what diode, where to put it etc.


Sorry I forgot to mention it is an s3 V12.

Sonny don’t you have the Opus electronic ignition in your car? Is a Pertronix compatible with that?

Our '72 XJ6 had points and condensor - now has a Powerspark module. No issues with tachometer. Paul

Can’t speak for a 12 - now caught up!

It does but I suspect I have a problem there. I used pertronix on my 6 cylinder and it was wonderful. I did have some tach problems from time to time but nothing too serious. The pertronix bypasses all the Opus stuff. It goes from the pick up to the coil with nothing else in between. I have heard of tach problems so I want to know how to solve those before I install the pertronix system.

Sonny I’m afraid I can’t help you on this. I can’t find a Pertronix kit specifically for a Ser III V12, and I believe that you would need such a kit to mount the system.

The Opus system was not a highwater mark for Jaguar engineers. They were told in the late 60’s that electronic components didn’t exist that could handle the temperatures in the engine compartment. They went ahead anyway, and many amplifiers failed as a result. Today you can buy kits from the usual suppliers to rebuild the amps with components that work. I just did one for a friend. If you are having problems with yours I suggest that this is a far easier solution for you. The Opus system is a good zero maintenance system when reliable.

Sonny, I have a 1971 six cylinder and when I got it, the distributor housing was cracked and my mechanic put a XJ6 electronic ignition in it. The tach would not work. I had to send the tach off and get the innards reworked so it would work with an electronic ignition. My pickup coil went out several months ago and I installed a Pertronix distributor and everything works as it should.

David Weir
Terry, MS

Hi ive fitted pertronix kit on my s111 v12 at first the tacho read double i emailed pertronix they sent me a wiring diagram to alter wiring round coil and ballast resister it works perfect now 2 years 10,000mls later

Sonny there is a kit: XK’s Unlimited has it at:

I have Petronix installed on E-type V12 . The tachometer worked intermittently until one day it stopped working. I remember contacting Petronix but no progress. It can be it is also a problem with the tachometer but no idea how i could test it without specialised tools.

Thank you all for the information. I have learned that pertronix bypasses all the old Opus stuff and goes directly to the coil. the tach is left out of the circuit all together unless you attach it. I am presently looking for the correct way to attach the tach and it something is needed in the circuit that is not already there.

I will list a wiring diagram of the correct hook up once I know what it is!

Do you still have the wiring diagram? I would like to get a copy of it, please.