Problem contacting admins - which email?

This email does not work:

Address not found

Your message wasn’t delivered to because the address couldn’t be found, or is unable to receive mail.

What are you trying to do Jerry with the email?

Robin, I was following a message I received and couldn’t do/find what it said.

So I went to the left drop down menu Forum Help, down to: How do I: Contact a moderator when I can’t… contact a moderator?

And the email address given there didn’t work.

You could use the site feed back.

Ah, you looked in the correct place, but alas we had forgotten to update that old message by Andrew. I’ve fixed it now.

The correct instructions are to go to this page and follow the directions there:

However, email should always be the last resort, as we haven’t got any staff, just volunteers. And they are easiest to reach right here.

If you don’t want to discuss your issue in public, feel free to DM (direct message) me. Just click on my avatar and then click Message.
