Safety Warning About Cheep Nitrile Gloves

Have been unable to work on my car for several weeks now as had a very bad allergic reaction to some nitrile gloves purchased at a national discount tool store. So if you need nitrile gloves please be sure they are of the best quality material.

Hands are healing now but only after seeing a dermatology doctor and expensive ointments.

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if they came from HF I use them on regular basis never had any problems with them. maybe a bad batch.

It is possible for people to have an allergy to nitrile gloves. If one is allergic to latex gloves, it’s possible that some brands of nitrile gloves still have trace amounts of latex in them. There are “accelerator-free” nitrile gloves that reduce the chances of nitrile allergy effects (I hope they don’t use isocyanates in those nitrile accelerators…)


“There are “accelerator-free” nitrile gloves that reduce the chances of nitrile allergy effects (I hope they don’t use isocyanates in those nitrile accelerators…)”
Thanks for that information Dave. Will look into finding some.

Yikes…thanks for the heads-up!

I thought the whole idea of nitrile gloves was for people who have allergies (e.g. allergic to vinyl) ??? :confused:

btw, anyone I can sue for ya? ::ambulance: … :running_man: :grin:

Very similar reaction here. Only between digits. From one short use. Diesel oil was why. I never use gloves. Hate em.

That bubbling looks exactly like the poison ivy rash I get. Most recently got it in the dead of winter from touching a chainsaw, where the urushiol had been been laying in wait since last year!

I’ve never managed mechanical work with gloves on.

Not sure if the ones in a closet are only medical types or tougher for nuts and bolts.

I have a selection of rougher ones for other stuff.


Took me a while to get used to them: wasnt a fan, but less of a fan of greasy hands. On fine work—carb rebuilding, for example— I still need to resort to bare hands.

As a musician, Im verrrry careful with my hands!