"Scott W. Phillips" <phillips@mn.uswest.net>Where did the badge go?

pub@jag-lovers.org,jaglovers policy policy@jag-lovers.org,
modern@jag-lovers.orgFrom: “Scott W. Phillips” phillips@mn.uswest.net
To: jag-lovers concours concours@jag-lovers.org,jaglovers general
Subject: [policy] Where did the badge go???
Date: Mon, 01 Dec 1997 21:07:47 -0500

As I’m new to these lists - I’m very interested to know More about any
“badges” … !!!

Can anyone fill me -and others - in???

Jim 12/1/97@9:35 PM/CST

A while back Dennis Hurvitz asked what ever happened to the badge

I checked with Dennis and he received no responses to his inquiry.
Consequently I am reiterating his question to all the Jag lists I belong
to…Does anyone know what happened to the badge? We sure had some
wonderful designs going, etc.

Scott Phillips
'88 XJ40