Scratch topic/practice piece E-Types

Test for message flagging.

Would somebody please flag this post as off topic, inappropriate, or such.

Use the flag function at the bottom of the post.

Can’t do it – nothing allows a click


hehehe. Screenprints are like that.

Click on the “…” at the bottom of the message, then on the flag symbol, then you see the dialogue which I posted a screen print of (so that you would be able to recognise what I meant).

OK, got it. Nicer to expand the … across the bottom - empty anyway – isn’t it?


Bitter sweet Clive,sure you have other toys!


I just wanted to get in on the flogging.

Oooh - and once flagged as spam it disappeared!

Thanks. I’ve tested what I wanted to.

Yes, but it wasn’t exactly automated.

The post that I wrote was flagged as spam.
As a mod I then get notified of the flag.
I then go and look at it and have various possibilities, one of which is to delete the post.

I just wanted to verify that it actually works.
(Yes, I do spend a lot of time fettling old and new parts.)

Test for signature…

Hmmmm… Is there away to set up an automatic “signature” whenever you post or do we rely on clicking on the poster’s icon for that information?

I believe that is the only way at this time. Works well if one’s Username is also one’s given name, but for many (you, me & many others) the Username is just a screen name and another click is needed to reveal more.

Hello, No questions here, but I thought I would try a post with a pic testing out the new forum platform.

Looks like it worked. This was taken at a car show at my work before all the other cars arrived earlier this year. The hood is up for show, not repair. :slight_smile:

Clicking on your avatar and then the tinyurl worked fine from this iPhone. Also, clicking on the Google multiline URL worked as far as the Google log-in page, although I didn’t log in.

Jerry, Jerry, Jerry - your promising jounalistic career will be over before it begins if you keep ‘scooping’ yourself. :worried:

When you send copy & pix for publication, keep them under wraps until your World Exclusive is on the newsstands!

Just figuring out how to acceptably compress photos.


No need to compress photos smaller than about 3MB. FWIW



Consider it a “teaser”. Folks, if you like the photo of Lynn Gardner, there is much more coming in the Jaguar Journal!

(There! better?)


Oopsie! I did not even consider that photo was in the article. Oh, well, experience is what you get when you need experience!


Between you and David and maybe others, probably 3 of 6 or more are published now. Happ