Search feature and JDHT cd

Hello, how does the search feature work on this new site? Also I am having trouble with my JDHT XJS cd working with windows 10.

Have a look in User Guides and How-Tos at:

Is your JDHT CD the later copy protected one?

It appears to be the protected one, and it is in the drive while I try to access it.

Perhaps I need to delete the download ?

Does it give an error message when you try to run the CD?

Yes ,I am trying it again , a window comes up says Loading please wait, then a Windows application error window pops up. " The exception unknown software

Try installing Adobe reader.

The .pdf files are there on the CD in folders. Try and open one of them with the Adobe reader.

Says the pdf file is corrupted .

Can you open this pdf?

e_electricr.pdf (122.9 KB)

Yes opens immediately.

So, you’ve probably got the copyright protected version. You might try contacting JDHT and asking how you can transfer your license to the new computer.

I cannot even open it on my old Computer ……