Seat diaphragm failure

About four years ago, the driver side seat diaphragm did what 30 year old diaphragms do. Crapped out.

So I spent close to $100 on a new OEM diaphragm. Here we are four years later and it has crapped out. Needless to say I’m not thrilled to repeat the task if the Jaguar replacements only last a few years.

Any suggestions?


Harry Price

When my seat diaphragm failed, I got some curtain rod cord and wove a webbing. I wasn’t the slightest bit interested in that sorry rubber diaphragm idea. When weaving a webbing, with a bit of fiddling you can create areas that are stiffer than others. When done you can lay some canvas or something over the webbing before laying the seat foam on top.

I have a number of very good used diaphragms from my parts cars if you’re interested.


Thanks, but I already have a used one :slight_smile:

Harry Price